Summer Pet Safety Tips

Summer Pet Safety Tips

Summer Pet Safety Tips Beat the heat and keep your pets safe this summer! Sun Protection  Don’t forget the sunscreen and have your dog wear clothing. Dogs that are white, hairless and with light colored fur are most likely to suffer from sunburn. Shady prevent overheating with breaks out of the sun into a shady …

Essential Dog & Cat Vaccinations

Essential Dog & Cat Vaccinations

Essential Dog & Cat Vaccinations Vaccinations protect your pet from serious diseases and bacteria. Here are seven of the most trusted vaccinations, and how they protect your pet. Vaccines For Dogs Distemper Vaccine (DHPP) Protects against four diseases: Distemper, hepatitis, Parainfluenza and parvovirus. Rabies Rabies virus is fatal and can be spread to humans. Most …

9 Ways To Tame Your Chronic Pain

9 Ways To Tame Your Chronic Pain

9 Ways To Tame Your Chronic Pain Take Deep Breaths  The average adult takes 8 to 16 breaths that really fill your lungs will help you relax, which can lesson your discomfort. Get A Good Nights Sleep Without enough rest, pain triggers may worsen. So how much sleep is enough? It varies by person, but …

Quit Smoking, Earn More

Quit Smoking, Earn More

Quit Smoking, Earn More Former smokers earn higher wages than smokers and people who never smoked, says a new research by two Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta economists The Findings The pair discovered that staff who had given up smoking for m ore than 12 months earn the most money because of their “characteristics” 95% …

What Happens When You Stop Smoking?

What Happens When You Stop Smoking?

What Happens When You Stop Smoking? After… 20 Minutes Your blood pressure returns to its usual level Your pulse rate slows to normal Your circulation has improved enough that your hands and feet warm to normal temperature 4 Hours Half the carbon monoxide from your last cigarette has left your bloodstream 8 Hours Your carbon …