Month: September 2016

The Color of SNOT

The Color of SNOT

The Color of SNOT Nasal mucus can be annoying. it’s always in your face. Worse, it occasionally emerges. Sometimes accompanied by noodles. We expel nasal mucus by blowing it into a handkerchief. We never peek afterwards. That’s considered bad manners. But sometimes it happens. The color of mucus tell us what’s going on in the …

Americans’ Hand Hygiene Habits

Americans’ Hand Hygiene Habits

Americans’ Hand Hygiene Habits A majority of Americans are getting caught dirty-handed when it comes to their handwashing habits. A survey by SCA, a global hygiene company, uncovered that consumers understand the importance of hand hygiene but their practices may be grossly exaggerated. 71% Say they practice good hand hygiene and wash their hands regularly. …

4 Free market research tools

4 Free market research tools

4 Free market research tools: When you just need that hack. The American Fact finder: Allows you to search for any data related any geographic location in the country. Gain access to documents such as demographic  qualities,  population estimates, housing valuations and business statistics. All data you find can be segmented.  Upfront analysis: Provide your …

Healthy food swaps

Healthy food swaps

Healthy food swaps Pasta  = Spaghetti squash, Spiralized Zucchini Skip the heavy high carb meal and sub in spaghetti squash or zucchini linguine for a guilt -free pasta dish! French Fries = Baked sweet potato fries Sweet potato are a great and healthy option for a side dish. Cow’s milk = Almond milk Dairy is often a trigger for an …