What Should I Do During Load Shedding

What Should I Do During Load Shedding

What Should I Do During Load Shedding Make Use Of Surge Protection  The greatest cause of damage to equipment from a power outage is from electrical surges. Installing a surge protection device can help minimize some damage in unforeseen situations when the power goes off or is restored Back It Up When working on a …

Super Simple Marketing Plan

Super Simple Marketing Plan

Super Simple Marketing Plan How Are You In Service To Others What do you or your business provide? How are you in service to people? Remember, a good business helps people with “what they need,” not with” you want from them.” Create Your Personas Who needs your stuff? I mean really NEEDS it! Good business …

Top Essential Gadget Gifts

Top Essential Gadget Gifts

Top Essential Gadget Gifts Fitness Trackers: For the healthy nerd or fitness fanatic who thrives knowing exactly how many steps they’ve taken, how fast they ran and how many calories they burned. Most watches have other cool features too like heart rate and sleep monitoring. Smart Watches Having a smart watch is basically like slapping …