How To Teach Your Children Respect

How To Teach Your Children Respect

How To Teach Your Children Respect

By Dr. Robyn Silverman

Young Students:
“I treat you and me like we matter!”

Older students / Teens / Adults:
The ability to see and celebrate the value in ourselves and others (and behave accordingly)

  1. Teach Them The Powerful Greeting.
    Some children never been taught how to greet adults and children in a respectful way. Be sure to teach them the proper eye contact and gesturing consistent with respectful interactions in your culture.
  2. Give Them Opportunity to Interact Appropriately:
    Children need to practice social skills. Bring your children to new places where they can practices meeting new people and interacting with them respectfully.
  3. Provide Respect-Based Rules
    Discuss rules for interacting with others both online and in person. What kinds of manners do you expect? when your children are playing with friend, what specific actions do you want to see? When your teens are online, how do you want them to behave? The more specific you are, the more likely they are to understand the rules.
  4. Regard Online And Social Interactions AS Privileges
    When our children and teens act appropriately, they can be trusted to do the thing. We can provide them with choices and privileges knowing them will be respectful. However, when children abuse social interactions, we must take time to “re-teach” them about how to show respect before providing privileges

How To Teach Your Children Respect

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