7 Ways To Make Your Business Storytelling Awesome

7 Ways To Make Your Business Storytelling Awesome

7 Ways To Make Your Business Storytelling Awesome

here are seven ways to jump on that next wave and reinvigorate your organization’s storytelling for more successful marketing this year

  1. Go Deeper
    The business storytelling of the future must go deeper. It needs to get vulnerable, real and drop the perfect endings
  2. Think Bigger
    Companies must not only give a crap about customers, but they must also tell transparent stories about their mission and how it affects their society, not just customers’ economic situations.
  3. Get Personal
    Every great company story must be anchored in a human story and told through a personal human lens.
  4. Know Your Storytellers
    Marketing needs to have a hand in storytelling, but controlling the message and who tells it can destroy value for the company.
  5. Start Co-Creating
    Co-creating has proven an engaging way to scale story and content in a way that is human and authentic.
  6. Solve A Need
    All buyers are human and ask, “How does this make my life better?” Real storytelling must solve a human need for the buyer, a person.
  7. Upgrade  Your Endings
    What users really want to know is how their personal lives will change. It’s never about your product, ever.

2 ways to make your business story telling awsome

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