Your Kid’s Brain On Music

Your Kid’s Brain On Music

Your Kid’s Brain On Music

  1. Music Rewards The Brain
    Music stimulates the brain regions involved in rewards and emotion. The result? It’s a fun awesome mental exercise that improves your self-esteem
  2. Learn To Actually Listen
    Kids that study music are better at picking up foreign languages and detecting speech in noise – even if they only studied briefly, long ago!
  3. Do Better In School
    Studies show that kids involved in music have better reading skills, know their math and tend to be brighter. SAT takers studied music scored 47 and 43 points higher on their verbal and math tests, respectively.
  4. Best Way To Stay In School
    A staggering 96% of school principals agree that music education encourages and motivates students to stay in school
  5. Helps Kids Grow Up
    Learning music enables kids to better express their ideas, accept criticism and improves their critical thinking problem solving.
  6. Makes Kids Nicer
    Kids hooked on music are better team players, less aggressive and more cooperative with teachers. There are less fights, racism and hurtful sarcasm in school with good music programs.


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