How Alcohol Travels Through The Body

How Alcohol Travels Through The Body

How Alcohol Travels Through The Body

Alcohol requires no digestion and is metabolized before many other nutrients

About 20% of the alcohol you drink passes through the stomach wall and can reach the brain within one minute. The remaining 80% passes through the small intestine before entering the bloodstream.

Before You Drink On an Empty Stomach, Consider How Alcohol Travels Through Your Body


  • Drinking too much alcohol  can decrease appetite as a result of increased gastric juice flow.
  • Drinking too much alcohol stimulates gastric juice flow
  • Higher alcohol content can cause stomach lining irritation and lead to ulcers
  • On an empty stomach, alcohol passes directly to the blood stream

Heavy drinkers increase their risk of developing mouth, esophagus, or throat cancer

Once in the bloodstream, alcohol is quickly distributed throughout the entire body.

Alcohol causes blood vessels to widen, resulting in:

  • Temporary feeling of warmth
  • Temporary decrease in pule rate
  • Temporary decrease blood pressure

Alcohol acts a diuretic in the body and increases urination.

  • Alcohol can increase urine production as soon as 20 minutes after consumption
  • Excessive urination may lead to thirst and dehydration.

Alcohol increases the risk of aspiration -the entrance of foreign material into the lungs

Once alcohol hits the brain, it immediately starts affecting the brains ability to control behavior and bodily functions

As Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) Continues To Rise, Loss Of Control Increases.

  • BAC.03
    Few obvious effects at this point slight intensification of mood
  • BAC.06
    Emotions are exaggerated; judgement is impaired.
  • BAC.10
    Self control, perception, vision, balance, and speech are affected
  • BAC.14-15
    Vision, balance, speech and motor control are affected. Medical evaluation is advised.
  • BAC.20
    Loss of motor control, requires assistance standing/walking, medical attention is necessary.
  • BAC.30 and Higher
    Potential loss of consciousness. Hospitalization is required.

Alcohol May Also Cause:

  1. Sleep disturbance
  2. Depression
  3. Decreased attention span.
  4. Anxiety.


  1. The liver can only oxidize one drink per hour
  2. Regular Alcohol consumption can lead to liver damage
  3. Cirrhosis of the liver occurs as a result excessive alcohol consumption on regular basis
  4. This is why time is the only thing that can sober up a person
  5. A fatty liver may develop and alcohol disrupts the liver’s ability to break down fats. The damage can be reversed by ceasing alcohol consumption
  6. Healthy liver tissue is replaced by scar tissue, which decreases blood flow to the liver and liver function.


One Alcohol Drink is:

  • 4-5 ounces of wine
  • 12 ounces of bear
  • 1.5 ounces of 80 proof distilled liquor

Moderate Drinking is:

  • One drink per day for women and people over 60.
  • Two drink per day for men (no  more than one per hour).

Drinking Is Not Recommended For:

  1. Women who are pregnant or trying to become pregnant
  2. Anyone taking medication, including over-the-counter medicines
  3. Anyone who plans to drive or participate in activities requiring their full attention and/or skill
  4. Recovering alcoholics
  5. Anyone under the age 21
  • Reduces stress
  • Strengthens bones in post-menopausal women
  • Reduces heart disease risk
  • Increases appetite

Disclaimer: Even moderate alcohol consumption carries health risk. Always drink responsibly


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