6 Diet Tricks for Arthritis Relief

6 Diet Tricks for Arthritis Relief

6 Diet Tricks for Arthritis Relief

If you have arthritis, the foods you eat (or avoid) may help you feel better.

  1. Eat Heart-Healthy Foods
    If you have arthritis, you may only be thinking about how your diet might ease pain and inflammation. That’s understandable, but you should also be thinking about your heart.
  2. Adopt a Mediterranean Mindset
    Eating a Mediterranean style diet with plenty of fruits, vegetable, whole grains, fatty fish and a little red meat may help people with inflammation.
  3. Consider Fish Oil
    Several studies in past years have shown a nice effect of fish oil. While not all studies agree, she notes that some research has shown that fish oil’s omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial in reducing RA inflammation in blood work.
  4. If a Food Affects Your Symptoms, Avoid it
    Many people with arthritis have found that certain foods trigger symptoms. While Manno says this phenomenon is real, researchers aren’t yet able to reliably identify specific food triggers for people
  5. Skip Refined Sugars
    The more refined sugar you eat, the more inflammation you might have, research shows. Cutting back on sugar has made a difference in symptoms for diagnosed with RA in 2013.
  6. Keep Diet In Perspective
    You read so much about diet for RA, says Auer. Just don’t let diet become another hardship in your life. Focus on fresh, healthier foods and less sugar, and don’t feel pressured to follow a diet to the later.

One Reply to “6 Diet Tricks for Arthritis Relief”

  1. Palindromic arthritis is one of the lesser understood types of arthritis. You are right that it does not make senses that it moves from joint to joint. But then most types of arthritis do not make sense. It does not make sense that our immune system would attack our own bodies but in rheumatoid diseases it does.

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