Using Simple psychology To Increase Conversations

Using Simple psychology To Increase Conversations

Using Simple psychology To Increase Conversations

No Matter how much technology advances, the triggers behind human behavior remain the same. With the right planning you can use psychology to increase conversations and improve your bottom line. Below are five techniques you can use to increase your conversations today!

1. Social Proof
Nobody wants to be an outsider or feel shunned from a social group. This desire to fit in can be harnessed by including social pressure in your marketing by showcasing how others are using and benefiting from your product. If a consumer feels like their peers approve of your product or service, they will feel a desire to approve as well. Example “This piece of contents is fantastic”

Use Cases:

  • Reviews 
    Including positive reviews at a conversation point helps reinforce the perception that converting is the right decision and that they will not regret providing their personal information.
  • Shares 
    The most ubiquitous form of social proof on the web these days is the number of social shares on a piece of content. Make sure to provide sharing options

2. Loss-Aversion
Humans are terrified of loss. Whether these instincts are a result of our hunter-gatherer background or we are just predisposed to value resources, we will do anything to avoid loss. You can use this in your marketing efforts by making consumers perceive a potential loss in not taking the action you require of them. Example: “Only a limited number available”

Use Cases:

  • Scarcity
    You want to make your audience feel like they will be missing out if they do not convert. Try limiting the time of an offer or the number of items being given away to increase the urgency.
  • Loss Frame
    By not converting, your audience risks losing something. These losses are easy to add into your conversation points with simple phrases like “stop wasting time and money”

3. Anchoring
The human brain is constantly looking for comparisons. We think in a tangled web of options, scenarios and outcomes in an attempt to always make the right decision. As a result of this pattern of thinking, we tend to compare all subsequent options against the one that came first, or the one that we perceive to have come first. Example: “With three new worksheets”

Use Cases:

  • Discount Sale
    Even if you were planning to change it all along, point out whenever you lower the price or requirements to attend an event or obtain a piece of content through a conversation point.
  • Bonus
    Adding additional content of some sort of bonus to your offers is an easy way to make your audience feel like they are getting more out of the exchange and it is more valuable.

4. Foot-In-The-Door
As mentioned before, humans are social creatures, always looking to form new connections. Once we’ve created a new social connection, we feel a compulsion to honor that bond, even when we don’t realize we’ve made one. That is why you are more likely to honor a request if you’ve already said “yes” to a smaller one. Example Facebook share, Tweets and LinkedIn Shares

Use Cases:

  • Social
    Simply sending a like or a tweet may prime consumers for further action down the road. Encourage your audience to get social with your company wherever possible.
  • Nurturing 
    The process of lead nurturing is based around the foot-in-the-door principal, building relationships with prospects slowly over time, providing content at the perfect moment

5. Authority
Humans will inherently trust figures of authority. If others believe a person to be a leader of some kind, we will often defer to that person as well. This is why celebrity and expert endorsements are often used to promote products. Luckily, Authority can be harnessed by a smaller company without the need for expensive endorsements. Examples “In Partnership with…”

Use Case

  • Thought Leadership
    You can create a type of celebrity spokesperson of your very own by establishing yourself or a member of your marketing team as a thought leader in your industry.
  • Content Collaboration 
    Strategic partnerships can create mutually beneficial opportunities in the form of useful content for your partner and added authority for your content and company


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