Top 10 Millionaire Life Habits That You Should Copy

Top 10 Millionaire Life Habits That You Should Copy

Top 10 Millionaire Life Habits That You Should Copy

1. Read To Learn
The rich do not read for entertainment, but to acquire or maintain knowledge. Read books about self help, personal development, history or biographies of other successful people.

  • 80% of the rich devote 30 minutes or more, each day, to self-education or self-improvement reading

2. Workout To Improve Performance And Productivity
Do anything active, from yoga to rock climbing, running to weightlifting. You can achieve twice as much in a day, by keeping fit. An unhealthy trader has less energy and a slower thought process.

  • 76% of the rich aerobically exercise for 30 minutes or more, everyday.

3. Don’t Like Your Job. Love Your Job
When you truly love what you do, the money is secondary and earning it becomes more effortless. Focus on developing a deep love of trading and investing.

  • 7% of the rich who loved what they did for a living accumulated an average of $7.4 million in 12 years
  • 86% of the rich who liked what they do for a living accumulated an average of  $3.4 million in 32 years

 4. Never Quit. Persist
Those who persist, eventually get “lucky.” Stick with the process, through the ups and downs and reach a level of comfort with risk.

  • 92% of rich say good luck had nothing at all to do with their wealth. They just never gave up.

5. Socialize
Staying connected can help forge business relationships and help nurture possible business deals.

  • 88% of the millionaires believe relationships are critical to financial success.

6. Eat-Drink-Sleep Financial News
Read the news as if it could affect your next big deal, merger or investment. This way, you will start to view yourself as a mover and shaker and you ‘ll begin to see investment possibilities in everything.

  • 94% of wealthy individuals read current events everyday.

7. Save A Lot
Devote more time to people and experiences, instead of accumulating things. Learn the discipline of saving at least 50% of your earnings. Plus, the more you save, the more you can invest to make more money.

  • 88% of the rich said that saving money was incredibly important to their success.

8. Find A Success Mentor
A mentor will get you where you want to go faster. They will also often help you avoid the beginner mistakes that’ll cost you time and money.

  • 93% of the self-made millionaires attributed their wealth to their mentors.

9. Surround Yourself With Millionaires
Join professional groups and attend networking events, to insert yourself into the circles that you’d like to associate with. Rich relationships can help improve your financial life.

  • 86% of wealthy, successful people associate with other success-minded people

10. Practice Until Its Perfect
As you learn more about trading and put what you learn into practice, your skills will improve and the money will come.

  • 79% of the rich read educational, career-related material.


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