The Benefits of Affiliate Marketing

The Benefits of Affiliate Marketing

The Benefits of Affiliate Marketing

What is it?

Performance-Based marketing in which you reward people for sending you customers.

The Benefits

1. Cost
Affiliate marketing is performance based. This means you ONLY pay a commission when a specific action is taken. Specific action can include opting into your mailing list, or actually buying your offer! This means NO payment without results!

2. Easy Tracking
No matter what affiliate program solution you choose, they all include easy ways to track where your sales are coming from. You will know which affiliates are sending sales, as well as other helpful info like: click through rates, site views, etc…

When you have an affiliate program, your affiliates will use a wide variety of techniques to drive traffic to your offer. This means you can take full advantage of all the online marketing tactics (SEO, Social Networking, Blogging and Email marketing) without doing all the heavy lifting.

4. Popularity
Affiliate marketing is a massive industry all on it’s own. Forrester projected affiliate sales to top $4 billion in 2014. They also project an annual compound growth rate of about 16%!

5. Time & Energy
Compared to traditional online marketing tactics (i.e. SEO, content marketing, paid ads) affiliate marketing takes much less effort. Most of the work is setting u your affiliate program. Once that is done, you leave most of the heavy lifting to your affiliates.


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