Month: September 2016

Gamification Drives Results

Gamification Drives Results

Gamification = Loyalty: Your customers are people first. Gamification through persuasive design ensures that people are placed at the centre of our strategy 41.6%  Increase in sight activity 2 Minutes: Average amount of time spent on the website prior to introducing game machines 5 Minutes: Average amount of time spent on the website after game mechanics were …

How Einstein Started

How Einstein Started

HOW EINSTEIN STARTED THE LIFE OF THE FOUNDER OF RELATIVITY: (1879-1955) Slow learner Smart dropout Lazy dog student Looking for a job The miracle year Discovering general relativity Redrawing the universe  

Coffee & Carbon

Coffee & Carbon

Coffee & Carbon The impact of coffee supply chain: 1. Pre-Consumer: To produce 1kg of green coffee it takes 477 liters of fresh-water. 2.4kg CO2e Per 1kg of coffee has the below stages before consumption Distribution 18% Growing 22% Packaging 13% Roasting 32% Transportation 15% How far a product is transported before being consumed is to as food miles. (SEATTLE 4530) One …

White Guy Dance Moves

White Guy Dance Moves

White Guy Dance Moves The Sprinkler: Dominant hand behind the head Arm in air In a jerking motion bringing both arms together in a flapping motion as you spin in circles unit nouseous or booed off the floor 98% of spectators believe that the person performing this move is having some sort of seizure The …