Irresistible Emails

Irresistible Emails

Irresistible Emails

8 Steps to Creating a Campaigns Readers Love

1. Determine your Goal
Do you want to advertise a new product? Entice return visits? Ask for RSVPs to an event? Knowing what you want to accomplish with an email campaign helps you determine what to say and who to send it to.

2. Use a recognizable “From” Name
Sending as “[email protected]” looks unprofessional and may come across as spam. Use your business name or, if you provide a highly personalized service to readers who know you, use your name.

3. Pick a Superb Subject Line
After your from name, this is the first thing readers see. Keep it short and relevant. Consider adding humor, an emoji or a sense of urgency to make people take notice.

4. Personalize if Possible
People respond better to their names than to a generic greeting. If your contact lists has first names, incorporate them into your email’s salutation.

5. Call up your Call to Action 
What action do you want readers to take? Give them a button or link to learn more, purchase now or download something useful. Whatever you choose, make sure it stands apart from the rest of the email so they don’t miss it.

6. Test, Test and Test Again
Send your email to yourself. Check it on desktop and mobile. Read it aloud. Make sure the pictures download quickly. If it doesn’t sound or look perfect, fix whatever needs help and then test it again.

7. Send Your Campaign
Whether you release it now or schedule it for later, don’t forget to hit the all-important send button.

8. Track the Results
Use a tool like VerticalResponse’s Advanced Reporting to see what resonates with your readers. When you know what gets the most opens and clicks, and how your audience consumes your messages, that helps you build an even better campaign next time.

Bonus Tips for the Seasoned Sender

A/B Test Subject Lines
Test two subject lines to see which one gets the most attention, then use the winning line for the rest of the campaign

Set up Automation
Create a series of emails up front, set them to be released at designated intervals and then wait for the results to roll in.

Segment Your Lists
Get better results when you send relevant campaigns to smaller groups of readers likely to find them useful.

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