Seven Powerful Personalization Principle
Seven Powerful Personalization Principle
You Must Be Equally Great at Each and Every One!
1. Be Authentic.
- Authenticity should be at the core of everything you do.
- One of the most unused and underappreciated business tools is the power of an authentic acknowledgement.
- Human beings crave authentic, personalized and hassle-free interactions.
2. Be Hospitable.
- A positive attitude is almost always a precursor to sustainable success.
- Developing a hospitable mindset will produce a powerful cumulative effect
- Having an attitude of being a servant is an investment that will produce returns forever
3. Be Emphatic.
- Understand and create the type of experience that your customer desires.
- Demonstrating empathy requires different approaches from customer to customer – and sometimes from one moment to the next
4. Be Committed.
- Are you willing to do what it takes, no matter what?
- In life – and in customer service – when the chips are down committed people win.
5. Be Competent.
- You must have the skills and stability to excel in your role.
- Develop your team to ensure they have the competence to excel with your internal and external customers
6. Be Friendly.
- Friendly people can create decades of loyalty.
- If you want your customers to stay longer, buy more and refer others – be friendly with each and every interaction.
7. Be Fun!
- For the vast majority of us who have to be at work anyway, why not make it as fun and fulfilling as possible?
- In today’s hyper-paced world a little extra fun, one or two extra laughs or doing something that is fulfilling for yourself, a colleague or a customer is a welcome thing
If you commit and do the proper follow up and reinforcement with these principles, you will be amazed at the transformational results that will follow