10 Most Common Health Side Effects Of Using Marijuana

10 Most Common Health Side Effects Of Using Marijuana

10 Most Common Health Side Effects Of Using Marijuana

Marijuana is commonly Known as chronic, pot or hash and is consumed either by eating, smoking or by soaking it in tea. Whether the human body is exposed to this plant in small or large quantities, side effects are a sure fall out. effects of using marijuana vary from the simple increase in appetite to much graver threats like lung cancer. Let us explore what marijuana is capable of doing to the human body.

The Side Effects Of Marijuana Are:

  1. Effects On The Regulatory System In The Brain:
    The drug affects the chemical balance in the regulatory system and the pleasure center of the brain. This imbalance in turn makes adaptation to changes slower and starts affecting things like memory and learning ability.
  2.  Depression: 
    This symptoms is a vicious cycle as the person soon finds him or herself using the drug to get rid of the depression that has been caused by the drug in the first place.
  3. Withdrawal And Obsessiveness:
    Marijuana users also suffer from severe withdraw symptoms when the drug is not accessible to them. They often have cravings that are uncontrollable and these can lead to results that are damaging .
  4.  Physical Problems:
    Constant use of the drug increase the breathing, heart and blood rate thus leading to taxing of the body. This in turn leads to the speeding up of the aging and hence increase the risks of cancer of the lungs, strokes and heart attacks.
  5. Effect On Male Hormonal System:
    In Men it increase the level of testosterone. This could sometimes lead to the enlarging of breasts
  6. Effects On The Female Hormonal System:
    Marijuana has the opposite effect on the female hormonal system. If it decreases the testosterone levels in men then it increases it in women. This leads to irregular menstrual cycles
  7. Reproduction In Men And Marijuana Abuse:
    Marijuana also has an adverse effect on sperm in a man. Usage of this drug lead to a low sperm count and an increase in the number of immature and abnormal sperm that is produced. Today, marijuana is one of the main cause of infertility in males
  8. Reproduction In Women And Marijuana Abuse:
    Marijuana can also play havoc with the female reproductive system. Besides irregular menstrual cycle it also hinders ovulation.
  9. Effect of Marijuana On Pregnancy:
    When pregnant women use marijuana, they are at risk of having unhealthy babies
  10.   Other Common Side Effects:
    Amongst other effects that are community experienced due to marijuana abuse are anxiety, irritability, anger, violent outburst, insomnia, red eyes, dry mouth and even outbursts that are violent.


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